The Spot Rupiah Closed Slightly Stronger at Rp 15,995 Per US Dollar Today (22/5)

May 22, 2024, 03.28 PM  | Reporter: Anna Suci Perwitasari
The Spot Rupiah Closed Slightly Stronger at Rp 15,995 Per US Dollar Today (22/5)

ILUSTRASI. Wednesday (22/5), the spot rupiah closed slightly stronger by 0.02% to Rp 15,995 per US dollar.

RUPIAH - JAKARTA. The rupiah's exchange rate in the spot market has once again fallen below Rp 16,000 per US dollar at the close of trading today. On Wednesday (22/5), the spot rupiah closed at a level of Rp 15,995 per US dollar.

This slight strengthening of the rupiah by 0.03% compared to the previous day's close at Rp 15,999 per US dollar.

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Editor: Khomarul Hidayat
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