Prabowo: On October 20th I will be Inaugurated and The Transition Will go Smoothly

March 05, 2024, 01.39 PM  | Reporter: Siti Masitoh
Prabowo: On October 20th I will be Inaugurated and The Transition Will go Smoothly

ILUSTRASI. Prabowo Subianto is optimistic about winning the 2024 Presidential Election.

POLITIC – JAKARTA. The Minister of Defense and also the candidate for President of Indonesia number 02, Prabowo Subianto, is quite optimistic about winning the presidential election (Pilpres) 2024. This is in line with the prediction that the presidential election will take place in one round.

For information, until March 5, 2024, the real count results of the General Election Commission (KPU) at 11.32 WIB, with the data entered reaching 78.10%, the pair of presidential and vice-presidential candidates number 02 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, lead with a vote count of 58.82%.

Meanwhile, the pair number 01 Anies-Muhaimin received 24.49% of the votes and the pair number 03 Ganjar-Mahfud received 16.68% of the votes.

“God willing, on October 20 (2024) I will be inaugurated, and I think the transition will be very smooth,” said Prabowo at the Mandiri Investment Forum agenda, Tuesday (5/3).

The KPU has also determined that the inauguration of the elected president and vice president will take place on October 20, 2024.

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Prabowo also stated, among the other 2 presidential candidates, his party openly supports President Joko Widodo and will continue the current government program.

“We have many programs, and we have a lot of strength, our fundamental is strength,” he added.

There are several populist programs that will be implemented, if later the pair number 2, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka, officially become the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2024-2029 period.

These programs include, providing free lunch and milk, continuing the construction of the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara, and also downstreaming.

Editor: Khomarul Hidayat

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