Perusahaan Gas (PGAS) Will Distribute Dividends of US$ 222.4 Million from 2023 Profit

May 30, 2024, 09.25 PM  | Reporter: Pulina Nityakanti
Perusahaan Gas (PGAS) Will Distribute Dividends of US$ 222.4 Million from 2023 Profit

ILUSTRASI. Aktivitas pekerja pada fasilitas gas PGN untuk industri.

The RUPST also approved a reshuffle of the board of directors. Shareholders approved the honorable dismissal of the following individuals.
1. Luky Alfirman as Commissioner
2. Beni Syarif Hidayat as Director of HR and Business Support
3. Christian H. Siboro as Independent Commissioner

Subsequently, the RUPST approved the appointment of the following individuals.
1. Rachmat Hutama as Director of HR and Business Support
2. Arief Kurnia Risdianto as Risk Management Director
3. Luky Alfirman as Commissioner for a second term
4. Christian H. Siboro as Independent Commissioner for a second term
5. Tony Setyo Boedi Hoesodo as Independent Commissioner
6. Fadjar Hariyanto Widodo as Finance Director
7. Ratih Esti Prihatini as Commercial Director

Meanwhile, the change in the Nomenclature of the Board of Directors' Position is as follows.
1. Finance Director and Risk Management Director become Finance Director and Risk Management Director
2. Sales and Operations Director becomes Commercial Director

Thus, the new management structure serving as the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk is as follows.
Board of Commissioners
President Commissioner concurrently Independent Commissioner: Amien Sunaryadi
Commissioner : Warih Sadono
Commissioner: Luky Alfirman
Independent Commissioner: Christian H. Siboro
Independent Commissioner: Dini Shanti Purwono
Independent Commissioner: Tony Setyo Boedi Hoesodo
Independent Commissioner: Abdullah Aufa Fuad

Board of Directors
President Director : Arief Setiawan Handoko
Director of Strategy and Business Development: Rosa Permata Sari
Director of Infrastructure and Technology: Harry Budi Sidharta
Commercial Director : Ratih Esti Prihatini
Finance Director : Fadjar Harianto Widodo
Director of HR and Business Support: Rachmat Hutama
Risk Management Director: Arief Kurnia Risdianto.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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