Destry Damayanti is Again Proposed for Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia

May 27, 2024, 02.38 PM  | Reporter: Rashif Usman
Destry Damayanti is Again Proposed for Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia

ILUSTRASI. Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo (left) accompanied by BI Senior Deputy Governor Destry Damayanti delivered the results of the BI Board of Governors Meeting at the BI Office, Jakarta, Thursday (21/12/2023). The Bank Indonesia Board of Governors (RDG) meeting in December 2023 decided to maintain the BI rate at 6.00 percent, the Deposit Facility interest rate at 5.25 percent and the Lending Facility interest rate at 6.75 percent. BETWEEN PHOTOS/Hafidz Mubarak A/Spt.

BANK INDONESIA / BI - JAKARTA. President Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, has once again proposed Destry Damayanti as the sole candidate for the position of Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) for the 2024-2029 term.

It's worth noting that Destry first assumed and was elected to the role of Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) for the 2020-2024 term. 

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