Putrama Wahju Setyawan Becomes Deputy CEO of BNI

March 05, 2024, 01.00 AM  | Reporter: Selvi Mayasari
Putrama Wahju Setyawan Becomes Deputy CEO of BNI

ILUSTRASI. DPK Perbankan: Pelayanan Nasabah di sebuah bank milik pemerintah di Jakarta, Selasa (27/12/2022). Bank Indonesia (BI) mencatat Penghimpunan Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) pada November 2022 tercatat Rp7.736,3 triliun, atau tumbuh 9,4 persen (yoy), setelah bulan sebelumnya tumbuh 10,1 persen (yoy). KONTAN/Baihaki/27/12/2022

BNI-JAKARTA. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI has approved changes to BNI's management.

The Annual AGM approved the honorable dismissal of Susyanto as a Commissioner of BNI, and approved the appointment of Mohamad Yusuf Permana as a Commissioner of BNI. It also approved the honorable dismissal and reappointment of Askolani as a Commissioner of BNI.

In addition, the Annual AGM approved the honorable dismissal of Adi Sulistyowati as Deputy CEO of BNI. As her replacement, Putrama Wahju Setyawan was appointed as Deputy CEO of BNI, previously serving as Director of Retail Banking BNI.

The Annual AGM of BNI also transferred the assignment of Corina Leyla Karnalies to become the Director of Retail Banking BNI, previously serving as Director of Digital & Integrated Transaction Banking BNI.

Meanwhile, Hussein Paolo Kartadjoemena was appointed as Director of Digital & Integrated Transaction Banking BNI, replacing Corina. Hussein previously served as SEVP of Corporate Development & Transformation BNI.

The Annual AGM of BNI also approved the honorable dismissal of Silvano Winston Rumantir as Director of Wholesale & International Banking BNI, and appointed Agung Prabowo as Director of Wholesale & International Banking BNI. Previously, Agung served as CEO of BNI Securities.

Not only that, the Annual AGM of BNI approved the honorable dismissal of Muhammad Iqbal as Director of Institutional Banking BNI, and approved the appointment of Munadi Herlambang as Director of Institutional Banking BNI.

Previously, Munadi served as Director of Institutional Relations of Jasa Raharja.

This time, the BNI AGM also approved the honorable dismissal of Sis Apik Wijayanto as Director of Enterprise & Commercial Banking BNI, and appointed I Made Sukajaya as Director of Enterprise & Commercial Banking BNI. Previously, Made served as SEVP of Remedial & Recovery BNI.

With this decision of the Annual AGM, here is the latest composition of BNI's commissioners and directors:

BNI Commissioners

Main Commissioner and Independent Commissioner: Pradjoto

Deputy Main Commissioner: Pahala Nugraha Mansury

Independent Commissioner: Sigit Widyawan

Commissioner: Askolani

Independent Commissioner: Asmawi Syam

Commissioner: Mohamad Yusuf Permana

Independent Commissioner: Iman Sugema

Independent Commissioner: Septian Hario Seto

Independent Commissioner: Erwin Rijanto Slamet

Commissioner: Fadlansyah Lubis

Commissioner: Robertus Billitea

BNI Directors

CEO: Royke Tumilaar

Deputy CEO: Putrama Wahju Setyawan

Director of Digital & Integrated Transaction Banking: Hussein Paolo Kartadjoemena

Director of Enterprise & Commercial Banking: I Made Sukajaya

Director of Finance: Novita Widya Anggraini

Director of Risk Management: David Pirzada

Director of Institutional Banking: Munadi Herlambang

Director of Network & Services: Ronny Venir

Director of Retail Banking: Corina Leyla Karnalies

Director of Human Capital & Compliance: Mucharom

Director of Technology & Operations: Toto Prasetio

Director of Wholesale & International Banking: Agung Prabowo

"With this decision of the shareholders, it is expected that BNI can become a leading Financial Institution in service and performance on an ongoing basis," said Royke.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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