Co-pilot falls asleep
After re-reading the instructions from ACC Jakarta, the co-pilot accidentally fell asleep.
After 12 minutes of the last recorded transmission from the co-pilot, ACC Jakarta asked BTK6723 how long the plane had to fly at its current position or 250 degrees.
However, there was no response from the co-pilot. ACC Jakarta then called BTK6723 and there was no response from the pilot.
Several attempts to contact BTK6723 were made by ACC Jakarta, including asking other pilots to contact BTK6723. Again, none of the calls were answered.
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About 28 minutes after the last recorded transmission from the co-pilot, the pilot woke up and realized that the plane was not on the correct flight path.
The pilot then saw the co-pilot sleeping and woke him up. Almost simultaneously, the pilot responded to calls from other pilots and ACC Jakarta.
Next, the pilot informed ACC Jakarta that BTK6723 had a radio communication problem and it had been resolved.
The flight then continued and landed smoothly in Jakarta. There were no casualties in this incident.
Meanwhile,, on Saturday (9/3) morning, contacted Corporate Communications Strategic of Batik Air Danang Mandala Prihantoro to confirm one of the Batik Air pilots and co-pilots who fell asleep while flying the plane.
However, until Saturday afternoon, the local airline representative has not responded.
This article has been published on titled: "Batik Air Pilot and Co-Pilot Fell Asleep during Kendari-Jakarta Flight, Plane Temporarily Off Course"