Lion Air group to reduce ticket prices

March 30, 2019, 03.15 PM | Source: The Jakarta Post
Lion Air group to reduce ticket prices

PT LION MENTARI AIRLINES (LION AIR) - JAKARTA. Airlines under the Lion Air group, namely Lion Air, Wings Air and Batik Air, operate with reduced airfares on all routes starting Saturday.

“The reduction in ticket prices is Lion Air group’s answer to challenges and opportunities in the travel business, [and aims to] accommodate demand for air travel while improving flight operations,” Lion Air spokesman Danang Mandala Prihantoro said in a release on Saturday.

He went on to say that Lion Air was striving to provide convenience for passengers while prioritizing safety and comfort.

Lion Air tickets with the new lower fares can be reserved through all travel agents and Lion Air’s website.

Editor: Herlina Kartika Dewi
Survei KG Media
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