The Government Sets the Purchase Price for Rice at IDR 6,000 per kg

June 10, 2024, 10.25 PM  | Reporter: Lailatul Anisah
The Government Sets the Purchase Price for Rice at IDR 6,000 per kg

ILUSTRASI. Farmers clean grain grains from their harvest in Sindangkasih, Ciamis Regency, West Java, Thursday (6/5/2024). Based on National Food Agency Price panel data, the price of grain increased on Monday (3/6/2024) where the price of harvested dry grain (GKP) at the farmer level was IDR 5,980 from IDR 5,900 per kilogram, while the price of milled dry grain (GKG) ) at the milling level from IDR 6,380 to IDR 6,990 per kilogram. ANTARA PHOTOS/Adeng Bustomi/wpa.

FOOD PRICE - JAKARTA. The Indonesian Farmers Union (SPI) has responded to the new government purchase price (HPP) for dry-milled paddy (GKG) at the farmer level, set at IDR 6,000 per kilogram (kg).

SPI Chairman, Henry Saragih, expressed that the new HPP GKG is still not beneficial for farmers due to the increase in production costs.

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