Prices Often Soar, KPPU Asks Bapanas to Determine the Highest Retail Price for Garlic

May 23, 2024, 03.25 AM  | Reporter: Arif Ferdianto
Prices Often Soar, KPPU Asks Bapanas to Determine the Highest Retail Price for Garlic

ILUSTRASI. Pedagang merapikan bawang putih yang dijual di Pasar Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta, Senin (25/3/2024). Menurut data Badan Pangan Nasional dan Kementerian Perdagangan, harga bawang putih per 25 Maret 2024 mencapai Rp41.810 per kilogram, harga tersebut melebihi harga eceran tertinggi (HET) yakni Rp32.000 per kilogram yang telah ditetapkan Kemendag sejak 2019. ANTARA FOTO/ Rivan Awal Lingga/tom.

FOOD COMMODITY - JAKARTA. The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) has issued a warning to the government about the need to establish a reference purchase price (HAP) or highest retail price (HET) for garlic commodities. This is due to the frequent price surges of garlic without any standardization.

"The issue at hand is the reference purchase price (HAP), which we have found to be non-existent," stated KPPU Chairman M. Fanshurullah Asa during a meeting at the KPPU Building, Jakarta, on Tuesday (21/5).

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