The Construction of the VVIP Airport at IKN Nusantara Will Begin on November 1, 2023

September 24, 2023, 04.30 AM  | Reporter: Wahyu Tri Rahmawati
The Construction of the VVIP Airport at IKN Nusantara Will Begin on November 1, 2023

IKN NUSANTARA - JAKARTA. The Head of the Land Bank Agency, Parman Nataatmadja, made a visit to the Land Management Rights (HPL) location of the Land Bank Agency in Penajam Paser Utara (PPU), East Kalimantan, which will be the location for the construction of the Very Very Important Person (VVIP) IKN Airport.

This visit was made to review the readiness of the HPL land use of the Land Bank Agency for the VVIP IKN Airport. Parman said the construction of the VVIP IKN Airport project is located on the HPL of the Land Bank Agency covering an area of 4,162 hectares (ha). Of this total, an area of 290 hectares has been provided for the construction of the VVIP IKN Airport project.

"The Land Bank Agency supports the central government's efforts in this case the Ministry of Transportation to accelerate the construction of the VVIP IKN Airport. We have provided an area of 290.67 hectares at a rate of zero rupiah. There is no tariff imposition because this is our role and duty as a land bank," said Parman in a press release, Saturday (23/9).

As mandated in PP 64 of 2021, the Land Bank Agency has special authority to ensure the availability of land for the sake of a just economy, one of which is for the interest of national development. The Land Bank Agency has also prepared 1,883 hectares of land to be released to the public for agrarian reform.

The Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi also checked the progress of the construction of the VVIP IKN Airport. In his statement, Minister Budi said, the VVIP IKN Airport has entered the finalization of the image and will start the tender process.

"We plan to start construction on November 1, 2023 and it is expected to be completed by mid-July 2024," said Budi.

Local wisdom elements will be embedded in the construction of this VVIP IKN Airport. Local wisdom elements highlighted in the airport terminal design include the nuances of the Long House, Rangkok Bird, and the distinctive curved line paintings of Kalimantan.

The Long House is a traditional house of the Dayak tribe in Kalimantan and will be highlighted in the airport and port buildings. Second, the Rangkok bird is an endemic bird native to Kalimantan.

Third, the paintings or curved lines typical of Kalimantan will be displayed in a modern way at the airport and port.

The planned layout of the airport terminal consists of the VVIP Terminal, VIP Terminal, GSE Parking, Air Side Inspection Post, Guard Post, Hangar, Cargo, Catering, DPPU, Pump House, STP & WTP, Substation Power House, Workshop/GSE Maintenance. In addition, there are also Worship Buildings, Offices, Quarantine Buildings, Canteens, Official Houses, TPS, Meteorology, EOC, PKP PK, Power House, PLN Guard, ATC Tower.

This article has been published on with the title Construction of VVIP IKN Airport Planned to Start on November 1, 2023.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar
Survei KG Media
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