The BSD City Area is Designated as a National Strategic Project

April 17, 2024, 06.35 PM  | Reporter: Venny Suryanto
The BSD City Area is Designated as a National Strategic Project

ILUSTRASI. Workers walk on the roof of the Biomedical Campus BSD City building, Serpong, South Tangerang, Banten, on Monday (25/3/2024). The Bumi Serpong Damai Integrated Area (BSD) is one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) determined by the government and will be developed into a Special Economic Zone (KEK) which develops education, health research, digital economy, technology development, health and biomedical services. BETWEEN PHOTOS/Muhammad Iqbal/tom.

CORPORATE STRATEGIC - JAKARTA. The property issuer PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE) is set to benefit from the designation of Pantai Indah Kapuk and BSD City as a National Strategic Project (PSN).  

As known, President Joko Widodo has established 14 new PSNs carried out by the private sector, thus the budget does not rely on the state budget. The development of these 14 projects is expected to create new jobs, including in BSD City. 

The development of the Integrated Area of Bumi Serpong Damai is estimated to absorb an investment of Rp 18.54 trillion. This project has been supported by the Minister of Health who has issued a Recommendation Letter for the Development of Special Economic Zones in the BSD City area.

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In response to the PSN designation in BSD City, the Director of PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE), Hermawan Wijaya stated that as the developer of the autonomous region - BSD City, the company is always committed to supporting government efforts in increasing economic growth and infrastructure development.

BSDE is also still waiting for the issuance of the Regulation of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Permenko) regarding the designation of BSD City as one of the National Strategic Projects.

Read Also: Kawasan BSD City Ditetapkan Sebagai PSN, Ini Kata Bumi Serpong Damai (BSDE)

"In response to the circulating news about the Integrated Area Development in Bumi Serpong Damai, that until now we are still waiting for the issuance of Permenko regarding the designation of BSD City as one of the PSNs," he told KONTAN, on Wednesday (17/4). 

According to KONTAN's records, the integrated area development in Bumi Serpong Damai will not be carried out in the entire BSD Area, but only for an area of about 59.6 Ha. The development of this area will be focused on Education - Biomedical – Digital. 

This project aligns with the development plan of the Integrated Biomedical Campus in the area to support the development program of education quality and national health care (medical) quality.



Editor: Syamsul Azhar
Survei KG Media
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