SMI Acquires 25% Shares of Waskita Toll Road, Accelerates Bocimi Toll Road Project

January 30, 2024, 09.26 PM  | Reporter: Sabrina Rhamadanty
SMI Acquires 25% Shares of Waskita Toll Road, Accelerates Bocimi Toll Road  Project

ILUSTRASI. Bogor-Ciawi-Sukabumi or Bocimi toll road construction project by PT Waskita Karya Tbk (WSKT).

CORPORATE ACTION - JAKARTA.  PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (PT SMI) has officially acquired 25% of PT Waskita Toll Road (PT WTR) shares in PT Trans JabarTol (PT TJT).

With the inclusion of PT SMI as a shareholder, PT TJT now has a main shareholder, namely PT WTR (74.99%), PT SMI (25%), and Waskita Cooperative (0.01%).

The presence of PT SMI as a shareholder of PT TJT aims to accelerate the completion of the Bocimi toll road construction, especially on the Cibadak – West Sukabumi section spanning 13.7 km, during which construction has begun.

The President Director of PT SMI, Edwin Syahruzad said, this share acquisition reflects the commitment of PT SMI and Waskita Group in supporting the National Strategic Project that benefits the community. 

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"We hope that this Bocimi section can improve connectivity, access, and reduce travel time between Bogor and Sukabumi, as well as become an alternative route to overcome arterial road congestion," said Edwin in a written statement received by Kontan on Monday (29/01).

The signing of the Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) as a sign of the start of the acquisition was carried out at the PT SMI Office, Sahid Sudirman Center Building, on Thursday (25/01). This signature was made by the Director of Financing and Investment of PT SMI, Sylvi J. Gani, and the President Director of PT WTR, Daniel Fitzgerald Liman.

The event was attended by the Deputy Assistant for Infrastructure of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Anindita Eka Wibisono, the Director of Toll-Free Roads of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Triono Junoasmono, Members of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency Stakeholder Element of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing R. Sony Sulaksono Wibowo, President Director of PT SMI Edwin Syahruzad, and President Director of PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk (WSKT) Muhammad Hanugroho.

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PT TJT, as the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) holder of the Ciawi – Sukabumi (Bocimi) toll road concession in West Java, has completed the construction of the Ciawi – Cigombong and Cigombong – Cibadak sections with a total length of 27.25 km. The Ciawi – Cigombong section has been operating since 2018, while the Cigombong – Cibadak section began operating without tariffs on August 6, 2023.

The President Director of PT Waskita Karya, Muhammad Hanugroho, who is familiarly called Oho, is confident that this strategic partnership will help Waskita Karya in fulfilling part of its obligations in the restructuring program.

“God willing, this is the beginning of a journey that will bring blessings not only for SMI and Waskita Karya Group but also for the community that will utilize the Ciawi Sukabumi Toll Road to West Sukabumi. Hopefully, in the future, there is still a lot of potential that can be collaborated and we hope everything can run smoothly and successfully. We thank PT SMI for its support and cooperation, and let's pray that in the future we can continue to collaborate to achieve the goal of building Indonesian infrastructure,” explained Hanugroho.

The strategic partnership between PT SMI and PT WTR is believed to support PT TJT in obtaining funding sources to complete the Bocimi toll road project. With the completion and operation of the Bocimi toll road, connectivity in the West Java region is expected to increase. This is considered as a positive catalyst in supporting the improvement of the local economy and providing a positive impact on the standard of living of the community.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar
Survei KG Media
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