Holding AGMS, Bank Woori Saudara (SDRA) Distributes Dividends of IDR 27.5 Per Share

March 10, 2024, 09.10 PM  | Reporter: Nurtiandriyani Simamora
Holding AGMS, Bank Woori Saudara (SDRA) Distributes Dividends of IDR 27.5 Per Share

ILUSTRASI. Karyawan melintas di depan logo Bank Woori Saudara (BWS) Jakarta, Rabu (29/4). Pencapaian laba Bersih Bank Woori Saudara (BWS) pada 2019 sebesar Rp 499,79 miliar lebih rendah jika dibandingkan pencapaian tahun 2018 Rp 537,97 miliar. KONTAN/Carolus Agus Waluyo/29/04/2020.

CORPORATE ACTION - JAKARTA. PT Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk (SDRA) has agreed to distribute cash dividends for the fiscal year 2023 with a total of Rp 27.5 per share. This decision has been approved by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on Thursday (7/3).

Previously, Bank Woori had distributed interim dividends for the fiscal year 2023 on January 26, 2024, amounting to Rp 20 per share. The remaining dividends will be distributed at Rp 7.5 per share and the distribution will be regulated in the dividend distribution procedure. 

In addition to setting the dividend distribution, the AGM's agenda also appointed Kim Eungchul as the new Candidate for President Director who will serve after obtaining approval from OJK (fit and proper test).  

The management of Bank Woori Saudara stated that it will continue to develop digital innovations by creating a digital ecosystem to support the banking needs of customers and continuously strengthen the business structure towards digital. 

"In the future, the bank will also develop digitalization for the process of SME and Retail credit," said the management in its official statement, on Thursday (7/3).

Read Also: Bank Commonwealth Indonesia Losses Increase to Rp 788.68 Billion in 2023

Bank Woori Saudara managed to book a profit of Rp 697.86 billion in 2023. The total assets of BWS in 2023 amounted to Rp 54.82 trillion, an increase of 6.45% from Rp 51.50 trillion in 2022. 
BWS's interest income in 2023 reached Rp 3.72 trillion, up 25.59% from 2022 which was Rp 2.96 trillion.

Bank Woori sees that despite the slowing global economy causing high inflation in the world due to geopolitical tensions in various countries, Bank Woori Saudara has managed to face many challenges and still be able to book a fairly good performance in 2023.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar
Survei KG Media
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