Digital Banking Transactions in Indonesia Increase 17.19% to IDR 5,335 Trillion

February 22, 2024, 07.20 AM  | Reporter: Nurtiandriyani Simamora
Digital Banking Transactions in Indonesia Increase 17.19% to IDR 5,335 Trillion

ILUSTRASI. Digital customer service at Bank BNI, Jakarta, Wednesday (17/01/2024). Bank Indonesia (BI) stated that the performance of digital economic and financial transactions remained strong with the value of digital banking transactions recorded at IDR 58,478.24 trillion or growing by 13.48 percent (yoy). KONTAN/Baihaki/17/01/2024

DIGITAL BANKING-JAKARTA. Bank Indonesia (BI) reported an increase in the performance of digital banking transactions recorded in January 2024, growing 17.19% year on year (YoY) with transaction values reaching IDR 5,335.33 trillion.

BI Governor Perry Warjiyo detailed that electronic money transactions reached IDR 83.37 trillion or grew 149.46% YoY. 

Meanwhile, payment transactions through QRIS recorded a growth of 149.46% YoY with transaction values reaching IDR 31.65 trillion, with many users of 46.37 million and many merchants of 30.88 million, most of which are MSMEs. 

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The value of payment transactions through cards, such as ATM cards, debit cards, and credit cards reached IDR 692.32 trillion or increased by 2.58% YoY.

From the aspect of managing rupiah money, the amount of Cash in Circulation (UYD) in January 2024 increased 9.21% YoY to IDR 1,015.68 trillion. 

Meanwhile, the smoothness and reliability of the Bank Indonesia Payment System (SPBI) are well maintained and supported by adequate liquidity conditions.

"SPBI runs smoothly, safely, and reliably and is supported by well-maintained liquidity and operational risks," said Perry, Wednesday (21/2).

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Bank Indonesia also continues to ensure the availability of Rupiah money in sufficient amounts with decent quality for circulation throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, especially in welcoming Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1445 H through the program Semarak Rupiah Ramadan and Berkah Idulfitri (SERAMBI) 2024.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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