
Boosting Aluminum Production: MIND ID Collaborates with Australian Partners

September 19, 2023, 07.44 PM  | Reporter: Diki Mardiansyah
Boosting Aluminum Production: MIND ID Collaborates with Australian Partners

ILUSTRASI. MIND ID is currently collaborating with Australia to study the potential to support aluminum production in Indonesia. Dok Photo: MIND ID

ALUMINUM PRODUCTION - JAKARTA. The Mining Industry Holding, one of the State-Owned Enterprises, PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (Persero) or MIND ID, stated that it is currently working with Australia to study the potential to support aluminum production in Indonesia.

MIND ID's Corporate Secretary, Heri Yusuf, said the reason for the collaboration with Australia is that Australia is capable of producing the materials needed to support large-scale aluminum production.

Read Also: MIND ID Siap Gandeng Australia Guna Mendukung Potensi Produksi Aluminium

"Because of the geographical conditions in the Northern Australia region (humid, dry, and not much rain disturbance)," said Heri when contacted by, Tuesday (19/9).

According to Heri, the prospect of cooperation is currently going well because the potential partner will become one of the largest producers in the world.

"It seems that we are not acquiring aluminum mines in Australia, because aluminum is basically not a mined commodity but is processed and through processing," he said when asked whether MIND ID acquired ownership of aluminum mines in Australia.

Just so you know, many Indonesian companies are entering Australian mines.

Previously, there was Salim who bought a coal mine in Australia, Sinarmas through PT Dian Swastatika Tbk (DSSA) also acquired a coal mine in Australia, and then Indika and Adaro reportedly targeting lithium mines in Australia. PT Dahana is also reportedly going to acquire a mine in Australia.


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Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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