Bali to Ban Building of Some Hotels to Tackle Over-Development

September 09, 2024, 05.49 PM | Source: Reuters
Bali to Ban Building of Some Hotels to Tackle Over-Development

ILUSTRASI. Indonesia has agreed to set a moratorium on the construction of hotels, villas and nightclubs in some areas on the tourist resort island of Bali

BALI - JAKARTA. Indonesia has agreed to set a moratorium on the construction of hotels, villas and nightclubs in some areas on the tourist resort island of Bali, as it grapples with the over-development of land, a senior ministry official said on Monday.

The moratorium is part of the government's bid to reform tourism on Bali, one of Indonesia's main attractions, to try to boost quality and jobs while preserving the island's indigenous culture.

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Editor: Herlina Kartika Dewi
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