Surabaya Tycoon Hermanto Tanoko: RISE Ready to Build Six Five-Star Hotels

July 27, 2024, 03.25 PM  | Reporter: Yuwono Triatmodjo
Surabaya Tycoon Hermanto Tanoko: RISE Ready to Build Six Five-Star Hotels

ILUSTRASI. Tancorp Group Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Hermanto Tanoko shared his experience in holding initial public offerings (IPOs) of several of his companies listed on the stock exchange at the Go Big With Go Public event held by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) at the Vasa Hotel Surabaya, Wednesday (24/7/2024). Throughout this year, IDX is targeting 62 new IPOs of companies and an additional 2 million new investors. KONTAN/Barly Haliem Noe

TYCOON - JAKARTA. Under the leadership of Hermanto Tanoko, a trillionaire from Surabaya born in Malang on September 17, 1962, companies continue to thrive and grow. One such company is PT Jaya Sukses Makmur Sentosa Tbk (RISE), a property and real estate firm owned by Hermanto, which listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on July 9, 2018.

During a visit from KONTAN at his office on the 33rd floor of Voza Tower Surabaya on Wednesday (24/7), the Chief Commissioner of RISE revealed plans for the company's future expansion. "We plan to build six five-star hotels," said Hermanto.

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Editor: Syamsul Azhar
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