Analyst Recommendations: Marketing Sales of Bumi Serpong Damai (BSDE) Exceed Target

January 30, 2024, 09.52 PM  | Reporter: Pulina Nityakanti
Analyst Recommendations: Marketing Sales of Bumi Serpong Damai (BSDE) Exceed Target

ILUSTRASI. Pembangunan perumahan di BSD City, Tangerang Selatan, Rabu (5/2). Bumi Serpong Damai mencatat penjualan rumah sebanyak 1.803 unit atau senilai Rp3 triliun di tahun 2019. KONTAN/Baihaki/5/2/2020

ISSUER - JAKARTA. PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE) recorded pre-sales or marketing sales of IDR 9.5 trillion in 2023. This achievement exceeded the target set by BSDE in 2023, which was IDR 8.8 trillion.

BSDE Director Hermawan Wijaya explained, the positive achievement was supported by residential segment sales.

“The segment recorded pre-sales of IDR 5.01 trillion or 53% of total pre-sales throughout 2023,” he said in a press release received by Kontan, Tuesday (30/1).

The BSD City project is still the largest contributor to residential pre-sales. Most of the residential pre-sales come from the sale of flagship products in BSD City such as Enchante, Eonna, Hierra, Tanakayu, Terravia, and Nava Park.

According to Hermawan, BSD City as a whole contributed about 57% of total pre-sales in 2023,” he revealed

“Meanwhile, Grand Wisata, Bekasi and Kota Wisata, Cibubur each contributed 9% and 5% of total pre-sales,” he revealed.



Meanwhile, commercial pre-sales, including commercial lots, apartments and shop houses, recorded pre-sales of IDR 2.62 trillion or equivalent to 28% of total pre-sales.

In detail, commercial segment sales came from shop house pre-sales of IDR 1.42 trillion, commercial lot pre-sales of IDR 759 billion and apartment unit pre-sales of IDR 441 billion.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar
Survei KG Media
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