23 Deaths, Here is the List of Victims of the Mount Marapi Eruption in West Sumatra

December 06, 2023, 09.54 PM | Source: KONTAN.co.id
 23 Deaths, Here is the List of Victims of the Mount Marapi Eruption in West Sumatra

ILUSTRASI. Mount Marapi emitting volcanic ash is visible from Nagari Batu Palano, Agam, West Sumatra, Monday (4/12/2023). The mountain with a height of 2,891 meters above sea level has experienced several eruptions and gusts since Sunday (3/12/2023) with a status based on the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG), namely alert level II. ANTARAPHOTOS/Iggoy el Fitra/aww.

MOUNT ERUPTION - JAKARTA. The number of fatalities from the eruption of Mount Marapi in West Sumatra reached 23 people as of Wednesday (6/12). The latest victim was found on Wednesday evening by a joint search and rescue team.

According to information posted on the official Instagram account of the West Sumatra Regional Police, the name of the last victim found was Siska, a female.



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The number of climbers who died due to the eruption of Mount Marapi, West Sumatra increased to a total of 23 people. The data was updated on Wednesday (6/12), at 11.40 WIB, all 22 climbers have been identified.

Previously, based on data updates from the Control and Operations Center (Pusdalops) of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) on Wednesday (6/12), at 11.40 WIB.

Here is the complete list of fatalities from the eruption of Mount Marapi in West Sumatra:

  • 1. Muhammad Adan/21 years old/Male
  • 2. Muhammad Teguh Amanda/19 years old/Male
  • 3. Nazahra Adzin Mufadhol/22 years old/Male
  • 4. Muhammad Alfikri/19 years old/Male
  • 5. Nurva Afitri/27 years old/Female
  • 6. M. Wilki Syaputra/20 years old/Male
  • 7. Divo Suhandra/26 years old/Male
  • 8. Afranda Junaidi/26 years old/Male
  • 9. Wahlul Alde Putra/19 years old/Male
  • 10. Riski Rahmat Hidayat/20 years old/Male
  • 11. Reyhani Zahra Fadli/18 years old/Female
  • 12. Filhan Alfiqh Faizin/18 years old
  • 13. Aditya Prasetyo/20 years old/Male
  • 14. Yasirli Amri/20 years old/Male
  • 15. Irfandi Putra/21 years old/Male
  • 16. Muhammad Iqbal/23 years old/Male
  • 17. Ilham Nanda Bintang/21 years old/Male
  • 18. Novita Intan Sari/39 years old/Female
  • 19. Lenggo Baren/19 years old
  • 20. Zikri Habibi/19 years old/Male
  • 21. Liarni /22 years old/Female
  • 22. Frengki Chandra Kusuma/23 years old/Male
  • 23. Siska / no data available / Female

With the increase in fatalities, the number of climbers found is 75 people, including 40 climbers who have returned to their respective homes, 12 injured and 23 dead.

Those injured are still in intensive care at RSAM Bukittinggi and RSUD Padang Panjang.

Evacuation of Mount Marapi eruption victims

Meanwhile, volcanic activity from Mount Marapi is still occurring. Until Wednesday (6/12) morning, Mount Marapi has recorded 46 eruptions. Several areas around Mount Marapi are still feeling the impact of the eruption in the form of volcanic ash rain.

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Agam Regency and Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra, along with a joint team, continue to monitor the development of the eruption of Mount Marapi on location to take quick action in evacuating residents if there is larger volcanic activity.

The BPNPB asks people around Mount Marapi not to carry out any activities within a radius of 3 km from the peak.

In addition, residents in the 4 nearest sub-districts are advised to reduce outdoor activities. Also, people are advised to wear masks when doing activities outside the room.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar
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