This is the Sophistication of Alibaba Cloud's Core Systems at the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games

September 14, 2023, 10.49 PM  | Reporter: SS. Kurniawan
This is the Sophistication of Alibaba Cloud's Core Systems at the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games

ILUSTRASI. Selina Yuan, Vice President Alibaba Cloud Intelligence.

ALIBABA GROUP - JAKARTA. In its mission to promote the digitalization of the Asian Games, the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee (HAGOC) has launched core systems that run on Alibaba Cloud.

This core systems is the backbone of Alibaba Group's digital and intelligence technology. 

The leading, reliable, and secure technology belongs to Alibaba Cloud to support the first "Asian Games on the Cloud". 

The use of Alibaba Cloud's core systems to facilitate the Asian Games will certainly have benefits to make it smarter, sustainable, sophisticated, and efficient.

The Asian Games 2023 will take place in Hangzhou, China, the city that is home to Alibaba's headquarters. This largest sports event in Asia will roll out from September 23 to October 8, 2023.

The core systems at the Asian Games consist of the Games Management System (GMS), Results Distribution Systems (RDS), and Game Support Systems (GSC).

All these systems will run operational functions 24 hours a day from 56 competition venues and other important facilities.

Such as the information technology management center, the main media center, and the Hangzhou Asian Games Village. 

The core systems at the Asian Games serve more than 100,000 registered users, including athletes, broadcasters, journalists, staff, and volunteers from 45 countries and regions around the world.

As the official cloud service provider and technology integrator to serve the Asian Games, Alibaba Cloud is responsible for all cloud services on the system running within the Asian Games. 

Alibaba Cloud has evidence from a proven track record in supporting large-scale world-level sports events.

"We have a long experience in supporting large-scale sports events globally, which is built on our proven and trusted cloud technology and services," said Selina Yuan, President of International Business, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, in a written statement, Thursday (14/9).

"We are proud and excited to return to the city where our headquarters is located this year to support and make the Asian Games in Hangzhou innovative, efficient, sustainable, and inclusive," she said. 

With the support of more advanced core systems, Alibaba Cloud is committed to effective collaboration with all parties involved in the Asian Games.

And with newer cloud broadcasting technology, Alibaba Cloud will provide a more exciting viewing experience for global viewers and sports fans.

"The Hangzhou Asian Games will be an achievement for Alibaba Cloud to demonstrate how proven, scalable, and secure cloud computing technologies can drive transformation in large-scale sports and entertainment events around the world," said Yuan.

Easy with cloud-based core systems

Alibaba Cloud provides fundamental architecture, supports seamless integration of core systems, and also intelligent applications such as cloud-based broadcasting and event and communication management.

For example, at the end of each competition, the Result Distribution System will receive data from the score and time system in the arena.

Next, it will further integrate into the central system for distribution in different formats through application programming interfaces (APIs), such as match result displays and news feeds. 

All are built on Alibaba Cloud to ensure efficient, accurate, and stable match result distribution.

Using cloud-native technology and running it on Alibaba Cloud's container service, the company enables event operations to be faster, scalable, and efficient. 

Physical data centers, which require large space allocation and facility maintenance, are no longer needed. 

Cloud resources will be released after the event is completed, making the Asian Games more environmentally friendly.

Asian Games will be broadcasted through live cloud broadcasting

And, the Hangzhou Asian Games will be the first Asian Games in history, where broadcasters will receive live broadcasts through public cloud infrastructure. 

Alibaba Cloud will deliver more than 5,000 hours of live broadcasts through 68 high-definition (HD) and ultra-high-definition (UHD) channels during the event. 

In addition to live broadcasts, this cloud-based content platform will provide match highlights and news in HD and UHD quality for broadcasters to be presented to viewers through mobile devices and other gadgets.

Throughout the Asian Games, cloud broadcasting will transcend physical boundaries and bring excitement to viewers across Asia and the world.

This is through Alibaba Cloud's infrastructure in Hangzhou to ApsaraVideo Live Centers in Shanghai and Beijing, and regional cloud resources in the Hong Kong and Singapore Special Administrative Regions.

Before doing cloud broadcasting, broadcasters had to rely on special and more expensive international telecommunication optical circuits.

And, spend more time preparing equipment, to send live recordings from other parts of the world to their home country. 

Now, utilizing Alibaba Cloud's global infrastructure, high-quality multilateral live content through the public cloud can be done.

Of course, at a much lower cost and faster preparation time.

Because, Alibaba Cloud's global infrastructure has a high level of scalability, resilience, and security, as well as network acceleration services, Global Accelerator.

Cloud technology supports smart villages at the Asian Games

The Hangzhou Asian Games have announced the Intelligent Operation Platform to manage the operations of 3 Asian Games Villages.

The Asian Games Village is home to more than 20,000 athletes, journalists, and staff. 

This platform uses Alibaba Cloud's advanced visualization devices to analyze real-time information to further optimize the management system, while providing a more engaging user experience for those living there.

For example, Alibaba Cloud's solution uses real-time information to analyze traffic and crowd management. 

Warnings will be given on the dashboard if public areas are too crowded and disrupt public safety. 

Warnings of extreme weather, electrical problems, and fires are also available for data-based decisions for the committee.

With Alibaba Cloud's natural language processing (NLP) technology, a smart service robot will provide online consultation services all day in English and Mandarin for people living in the Asian Games Villages through web-based services. 

The chatbot can provide real-time responses related to services available in the Asian Games Villages.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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