12,000 Civil Servants Set for Gradual Relocation to New Capital by 2024 End

February 23, 2024, 12.00 PM  | Reporter: Yudho Winarto
12,000 Civil Servants Set for Gradual Relocation to New Capital by 2024 End

ILUSTRASI. 12,000 Civil Servants Set for Gradual Relocation to New Capital by 2024 End.

IKN NUSANTARA - JAKARTA. The Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB), Abdullah Azwar Anas, has confirmed that his department is intensively preparing for the relocation of civil servants (ASN) to the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara, from human resources (HR) to government administration.

By December 2024, approximately 12 thousand employees consisting of middle and lower-level leadership positions, administrators, functional positions, and implementers from 38 ministries/agencies (K/L) will gradually be relocated to IKN.

"The determination of the number of central agency ASN employees to be relocated to IKN is done gradually, taking into account several principles, such as the priority scale of roles or tasks and functions of ministries/agencies to ensure the effectiveness of government administration in IKN," said the Minister of PANRB, quoted from the PANRB Ministry's website, Wednesday (21/2).

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Anas stated that there are several stages in determining the ASN to be relocated to IKN. First, the PANRB Ministry has analyzed to filter the K/L and work units that are a priority for the first stage of relocation.

"This is to ensure that the administration of government can still run effectively in the early stages of relocation, of course, supported by the digitalization of the government system," said Anas.

Second, each K/L independently sorts the positions and ASN to be relocated based on the filtering pattern from the PANRB Ministry.

The Minister of PANRB emphasized several things that need to be considered in determining whether ASN employees are mastering digital literacy, have multitasking skills, and can apply the values of BerAKHLAK (Service Oriented, Accountable, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative).

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Regarding housing, the Minister of PANRB said that his party is still coordinating with related agencies so that the ASN gets apartment units or flats that are official and do not need to pay rent.

For the first batch of relocation in July 2024, Anas said that his party proposed to the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) the possibility of ASN employees being given incentives in the form of pioneer allowances as a form of appreciation, considering that in the early stages of IKN relocation, infrastructure, and basic needs support are not as complete as in Jakarta.

"ASN employees are ready to be relocated to IKN. The important thing that we continue to coordinate and refine with the IKN Authority and the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing [PUPR] is the availability of housing for ASNs who will move. In addition, we also continue to coordinate to ensure supporting infrastructure such as office space, network infrastructure, and systems needed to optimize the role of ASN employees in IKN and the effectiveness of communication with offices that are still in Jakarta," Anas concluded.

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In addition to implementing the concept of a smart city, the governance of IKN Nusantara is also supported by green design, green building, and green open space.

In IKN, Anas explained that the implementation of shared services in the form of an effectively shared service center is carried out through the implementation of a flexible and collaborative work system supported by the implementation of a shared office, shared system, and adequate work and mobility support facilities.

The implementation of a shared office, which is the management of building and construction facilities in an integrated manner, by utilizing it together by providing co-working space for ASN and guests.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar
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