U.S. President Joe Biden Extends Congratulations to Prabowo Subianto

March 14, 2024, 09.47 PM | Source:
U.S. President Joe Biden Extends Congratulations to Prabowo Subianto

PEMILU 2024 - JAKARTA. Presidential candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto, received congratulations from United States President Joe Biden for leading in the vote count in the 2024 Presidential Election.

The congratulations were conveyed by Biden through a letter with the official letterhead of the White House, Washington, dated March 12, 2024.

The letter was delivered directly by the US Ambassador to ASEAN, Yohannes Abraham, on Thursday (14/3/2024).

Menhan Prabowo Subianto dan Dubes AS untuk Indonesia Yohannes Abraham

“I want to extend my congratulations to the people of Indonesia on the success of the election - a testament to our shared commitment to democracy - and to you (Prabowo) on your lead in the presidential vote count. I look forward to the announcement of the official results,” Biden said in the letter, as quoted from the press release.

For 75 years, Biden said, the US and Indonesia have been bound by shared values and a vision of democracy and pluralism for the world.

“Together, we have also maintained international stability, including realizing a free, open, prosperous, and secure future for the Indo-Pacific,” Biden said.

Surat Joe Biden

In the letter, Biden also highlighted Prabowo's role as Indonesia's Minister of Defense in defense cooperation with the US.

“Partnership with you as Indonesia's Minister of Defense is crucial in this effort. I hope to strengthen our country's relationship even further as we continue to implement a comprehensive strategic partnership and explore new areas of cooperation,” Biden said.

Biden also mentioned, that when Indonesia and the US unite, both countries will become stronger and the world will be safer.

“Please accept my best wishes, and may the coming years always be filled with peace, prosperity, and progress for the people of both our countries,” Biden concluded the letter.

This article has been published on with the title "Prabowo Receives Congratulations from Joe Biden through Letter"

Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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