Uni-Charm Indonesia (UCID) Optimistic that Performance will Improve in 2024

February 19, 2024, 10.30 PM  | Reporter: Diki Mardiansyah
Uni-Charm Indonesia (UCID) Optimistic that Performance will Improve in 2024

ILUSTRASI. Penjualan popok bayi MamyPoko produksi PT Uni-Charm Indonesia Tbk (UCID) pada?sebuah supermarket di Depok, Jawa Barat, Minggu (2/1).? KONTAN/Baihaki/2/1/2022

CORPORATE STRATEGIC - JAKARTA. Diaper and healthcare manufacturer, PT Uni-Charm Indonesia Tbk (UCID) hopes to improve its business performance by 2024.

The Corporate Secretary of Uni-Charm Indonesia, Johan, currently holds the No. 1 share in Indonesia for Baby Care (baby diapers), Feminine Care (sanitary pads), and Wellness Care (adult diapers).

However, Johan said, when looked at in more detail, there are still areas, categories or channels where UCID is not yet the champion.

Read Also: Uni-Charm Indonesia (UCID) Optimistis Kinerja Tahun 2024 Bakal Meningkat

"By launching new products and renewing old ones, we plan to have larger sales and profits than last year," Johan told KONTAN on Monday (19/2).



He stated that UCID's business is still centered on Baby Care, but they will further develop Feminine Care and Wellness Care, which have higher growth than Baby Care.

In addition, UCID has also entered a new business category, Pet Care. Of course, they will continue to develop these categories so that they can become other business pillars besides Baby Care.

Read Also: Hingga Akhir Tahun 2023, Uni-Charm Indonesia (UCID) Incar Kenaikan Pendapatan 9%

To boost performance, UCID management is striving to accelerate premium products that are considered to have better profitability potential compared to other products. The company will also increase market penetration through the launch of new products accompanied by improvements in the quality of existing products.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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