Total Bangun Persada (TOTL) Targets New Contract of IDR 3.5 Trillion

May 18, 2024, 01.01 AM  | Reporter: Venny Suryanto
Total Bangun Persada (TOTL) Targets New Contract of IDR 3.5 Trillion

ILUSTRASI. Sejumlah pekerja menyelesaikan pembangunan gedung bertingkat di Jakarta, Selasa (13/9). Kementerian Keuangan memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia sepanjang 2016 akan berada di level 5,0 persen, hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya yaitu pemangkasan anggaran dalam APBN-P 2016. ANTARA FOTO/Sigid Kurniawan/pd/16.

LISTED COMPANY - JAKARTA. PT Total Bangun Persada Tbk (TOTL) has secured new contracts worth Rp 1.61 trillion in the first quarter of 2024, nearly half of its annual target of Rp 3.5 trillion. 

According to TOTL's Director, Moeljati Soetrisno, these contracts are primarily from various construction projects including mixed-use buildings, hotels, data centers, and industrial facilities.

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