TELECOMMUNICATION - JAKARTA. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) is preparing the Republic of Indonesia Satellite 2 or SATRIA-2 Satellite project, which is planned to start being assembled in 2025.
The assembly of SATRIA-2 will only begin in 2025 because it will fully use foreign loans.
"We plan to use foreign loans for SATRIA-2, the cycle of foreign loan planning," said the Director of the Telecommunication and Information Accessibility Agency of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Fadhilah Mathar, to reporters in Jakarta, Friday (8/3).
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He hopes that SATRIA-2 can already enter the green book stage of foreign loans or foreign grants.
Fadhilah admitted that he is still discussing with the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) regarding the procurement of SATRIA-2.
"However, the process cannot be done immediately because it is different from projects funded by the state budget (APBN), PNBP, but there will be more stages later," he revealed.
The target for the procurement of the government satellite requires a budget of up to US$ 680 million or equivalent to IDR 13.3 trillion.
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If compared to the cost of the Satria 1 Satellite project which cost US$ 540 million or IDR 8.3 trillion, of course, the Satria 2 Satellite does cost more.
However, the difference with SATRIA 1 Satellite which has a capacity of 150GB, the capacity of SATRIA 2 Satellite reaches 300 GB.
"For Satria 2 we propose it to be around US$ 860 million, with a capacity of 300 Gbps so that it can reach all of Indonesia, including in some remote areas," he explained.
For information, Satria-1 is already operational after being officially inaugurated by President Joko Widodo. Meanwhile, its capacity is 150 Gbps to provide 37 thousand points with an internet speed of 3-5 Mbps.
The number of these points still does not meet the need for internet access at other points. This is what underlies the idea of procuring SATRIA-2 by BAKTI Kominfo.