The Performance of Sharia Insurance in Indonesia Still Flourishing

July 30, 2024, 12.25 PM  | Reporter: Aulia Ivanka Rahmana, Ferry Saputra
The Performance of Sharia Insurance in Indonesia Still Flourishing

ILUSTRASI. Pengunjung memadati arena expo sharia investment week 2024 di gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia, Jakarta, Kamis (6/6/2024). Dalam rangka percepatan edukasi dan inklusi keuangan pasar modal syariah, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) bekerjasama dengan PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI) dan PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) menyelenggarakan kegiatan virtual expo sharia investment week 2024 5th Anniversary (SIW 2024). Kegiatan ini akan berlangsung sampai 8 Juni 2024. KONTAN/Cheppy A. Muchlis/06/06/2024

INSURANCE - JAKARTA. Several Islamic insurance players have managed to increase their premium income, also known as contributions, by double digits until the first half of 2024. This achievement in the first half of the year has boosted the industry's optimism to meet its targets for the whole of 2024. 

For instance, PT Asuransi Jasindo Syariah recorded a contribution of IDR 154.46 billion until June 2024. The CEO of Jasindo Syariah, At Yaltha, stated that this figure jumped 49.18% compared to the same period in 2023. He attributed this growth in contributions to positive performance in the motor vehicle insurance, property, and miscellaneous business lines.

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Editor: Syamsul Azhar
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