The Indonesian Consumer Confidence Index Edges Up Slightly to 123.8 in December 2023

January 09, 2024, 10.50 PM | Source:
The Indonesian Consumer Confidence Index Edges Up Slightly to 123.8 in December 2023

ILUSTRASI. Konsumen berbelanja di gerai ritel, Jakarta, Rabu (3/1). Asosiasi Pengusaha Ritel Indonesia (Aprindo) meminta pemerintah untuk menjadikan ritel modern sebagai sektor prioritas, mengingat ritel modern merupakan salah satu pendukung konsumsi rumah tangga. Sektor perdagangan hilir ini belum pernah menjadi sektor prioritas sejak masa sebelum pandemi./pho KONTAN/Carolus Agus Waluyo/03/01/2024.

CONSUMER GOODS – JAKARTA. Consumer confidence slightly increased in December 2023, compared to the previous month.

The results of the Bank Indonesia (BI) Consumer Survey show that the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) for December 2023 was 123.8, up from 123.6 in November 2023.

In a written statement compiled by Kontan, the increase in consumer confidence in December 2023 was driven by the strengthening of the Current Economic Conditions Index (CECI).

The CECI recorded an increase, especially in the Durable Goods Purchase Index. Meanwhile, the Consumer Expectation Index (CEI) for economic conditions 6 months ahead remains strong, supported by the Income Expectation Index.

For your information, the consumer survey in December 2023 indicated an increase in consumer optimism about economic conditions.

Geographically, the CCI increased in most cities surveyed by BI. The largest was in Manado City, which reached 9.3 points, followed by Makassar 7.5 points and Medan 4.8 points.

Meanwhile, some other cities recorded a decrease in the CCI, the deepest in Bandar Lampung City 9.3 points, followed by Padang 6.3 points and Mataram 4.5 points.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar
Survei KG Media
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