Stock Recommendations: Financial Performance of UNTR and ABMM Weak in Q1 2024

May 14, 2024, 08.25 AM  | Reporter: Arfyana Citra Rahayu
Stock Recommendations: Financial Performance of UNTR and ABMM Weak in Q1 2024

ILUSTRASI. Alat berat berjajar parkir di sebuah gudang di Jakarta, Senin (22/1). Kinerja jangka pendek perusahaan alat berat cenderung menurun. Sektor konstruksi umumnya melambat pada tahun pemilu. Hal ini tercermin dari keputusan United Tractors (UNTR) yang menurunkan target penjualan Komatsu dari 5.400 unit di 2023 menjadi 4.000 unit di 2024. Faktor lain yg menghadang kinerja perusahaan alat berat adalah harga komoditas, terutama batubara yang masuk tren menurun. KONTAN/Cheppy A. Muchlis/22/01/2024

COAL - JAKARTA. Several coal mining service issuers are grappling with significant challenges at the start of this year, resulting in less than satisfactory financial performance in the first quarter of 2024.

However, the remainder of the year is expected to see more favorable weather conditions for operational activities in the mines due to less rainfall. Despite this, coal prices continue to be a factor suppressing issuer performance. 

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