Sri Mulyani : 2023 State Budget Deficit of IDR 241.4 Trillion as of December 28

January 01, 2024, 11.10 PM | Source:
Sri Mulyani : 2023 State Budget Deficit of IDR 241.4 Trillion as of December 28

ILUSTRASI. Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani memberikan keterangan terkait Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) Kita 2023 di Kantor Kementerian Keuangan, Jakarta, Jumat (15/12/2023). Sri Mulyani menyebutkan APBN mengalami defisit Rp35 triliun sampai 12 Desember 2023 akibat realisasi belanja negara lebih besar dari realisasi pendapatan negara. ANTARA FOTO/Muhammad Adimaja/Spt.

STATE BUDGET – JAKARTA. The Ministry of Finance reported that the State Budget (APBN) for 2023 recorded a deficit of IDR 241.4 trillion until December 28, 2023.

This realization is lower than the target in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 75/2023 which is IDR 479.9 trillion, also lower than the target in the 2023 APBN which is IDR 598.2 trillion.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said, the APBN deficit was obtained from the realization of higher state spending compared to the realization of state revenue.

In her Instagram post @smindrawati, Sri Mulyani noted, until December 28, 2023, the realization of state revenue was recorded at IDR 2,725.4 trillion or reached 103.2% of the target of Perpres 75/2023 which is IDR 2,637.2 trillion. Meanwhile, compared to the target in the 2023 APBN which is IDR 2,463.0 trillion, the realization reached 110.6%.

From the expenditure side, the realization reached IDR 2,966.8 trillion. However, this realization is lower than the target of Perpres 75/2023 which is IDR 3,117.2 trillion or only reached 96.9%. Whereas when compared to the expenditure target in the 2023 APBN, it only reached 95.17% of the IDR 3,061.2 trillion.

Then, the realization of budget financing reached IDR 337.8 trillion, or lower than the target in Perpres 75/2023 which is IDR 479.9 trillion, also lower than the APBN target which is IDR 598.2 trillion.

“We may close the 2023 APBN relatively better than expected. So our APBN is quite healthy, the consolidation is good, so there is optimism entering 2024,” she revealed in the 2023 APBN Annual Report video, Sunday (12/31).

The state treasurer conveyed, the solid performance of the 2023 APBN will bring optimism in 2024 where it is expected that next year's APBN will continue to be a tool used to face shock absorbers, be responsive, and be able to create stability, create distribution, and also increase economic efficiency.

Sri Mulyani described that the journey through 2023 was not easy and there were various challenges. Starting from 2023 which is predicted to be dark because many developed countries such as the United States (US), Europe, and Japan experienced shocks.

“And the developed countries that affect our exports including China are experiencing structural economic conditions in their country, all in a weakening condition. We also see that the global atmosphere is not very favorable,” said the Finance Minister.

However, Sri Mulyani conveyed, the government was able to overcome these shocks with a solid APBN performance, and will be capital to continue the economy in 2024.

She noted, in 2024 there will be many important national agendas, such as general elections. In addition, this year the government will still complete the Nusantara Capital City (IKN) development project.

“There are many investments in the APBN for basic infrastructure development and government complex development there (IKN), surely 2024 will be accelerated,” said Sri Mulyani.

However, Sri Mulyani said that in 2024 the government will still be vigilant of various risks and shocks, especially from external factors. Because, geopolitics is still not over, and the world is still faced with fragmentation.

“We should not be surprised, because shocks do not come as planned. There will definitely be surprises and these surprises can be positive and negative,” she added. 

Editor: Syamsul Azhar
Survei KG Media
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