Saudi Arabia Plans Aramco Share Sale as Soon As June, Sources Reuters

May 25, 2024, 02.25 PM | Source: Reuters
Saudi Arabia Plans Aramco Share Sale as Soon As June, Sources Reuters

ILUSTRASI. A 3D printed natural gas pipeline is placed in front of displayed Saudi Aramco logo in this illustration taken February 8, 2022. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration

OIL AND GAS - DUBAI  - Saudi Arabia is planning a multi-billion-dollar share sale in energy giant Aramco (2222.SE) as soon as June in what would be one of the region's biggest stock deals, two people familiar with the matter said.

The offering could raise around US$ 10 billion, one of the people said. The preparations are ongoing and the details could still change, the sources said, who were speaking on condition of anonymity because the matter is private.

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