Sarana Multigriya (SMF) Receives Capital Injection of IDR 9.33 Trillion Until 2023

April 11, 2024, 12.18 AM  | Reporter: Nova Betriani Sinambela
Sarana Multigriya (SMF) Receives Capital Injection of IDR 9.33 Trillion Until 2023

ILUSTRASI. Sarana Multigriya Finansial or SMF office building, a financial state-owned company in the field of secondary housing financing

CORPORATE STRATEGIC - JAKARTA. The Ministry of Finance in Indonesia has provided a State Capital Participation (PMN) fund injection to PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (SMF), a state-owned enterprise, amounting to IDR 9.33 trillion from August 2018 to December 2023.

The funds are sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

Ananta Wiyogo, the CEO of SMF, revealed that the received PMN was combined with bond issuance, enabling the company to distribute FLPP mortgage financing worth IDR 21.64 trillion.

"As a Special Mission Vehicle (SMV) of the Ministry of Finance, SMF also plays an active role in alleviating the government's fiscal burden by financing 25% of the FLPP mortgage funding, where SMF leverages the received PMN," Ananta stated recently.

Read Also: Sarana Multigriya (SMF) Dapat Suntikan Modal Rp 9,33 Triliun Hingga 2023

In its implementation, Ananta mentioned that they collaborated with BP Tapera to provide FLPP mortgage funds, which were then distributed to the public through the Distributing Bank.

Of all the funds disbursed, SMF has financed approximately 2 million mortgage debtors, including the FLPP Program mortgage, divided into 85.11% in the western region, 13.91% in the central region, and 0.59% in the eastern region.

Besides facilitating the FLPP mortgage program, Ananta explained that they are also active in running several strategic initiatives such as the Homestay Financing Program and the Home Quality Improvement Program in Slum Areas.

"For the Homestay Financing Program in 2023, SMF collaborates with the Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy to realize the financing distribution for 5 tourist villages consisting of 28 debtors," Ananta elaborated.

The recorded realization of fund flows from the Homestay Financing Program, accumulated from 2019 to December 2023, reached IDR 13.59 billion for 183 homestays in 21 fostered tourist villages.

The villages include Nglanggeran, Samiran, Kuta, Pagerharjo, Kemuning, Mertak, Sarongan, Sukajaya, Tamansari, Bangsring, Sembalun, Wringin Putih, Tete Batu, Paputungan, Palaes and Pahawang, Botubarani, Bongo, Hilisimaetano, Salenrang, and Hargotirto.

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As for the realization of the home quality improvement program in slum areas in 2023, Ananta stated that they collaborated with the Directorate General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing and have renovated 115 uninhabitable houses with a budget absorption of IDR 6.15 billion.

The renovation was carried out in 5 locations, namely Talumolo Gorontalo, Sukaraja Prabumulih, Makassar Timur Ternate, Oesapa Kupang, and Teluk Pandeglang.

"If accumulated since 2019, SMF has realized the home quality improvement program in slum areas for 488 houses in 21 locations with a budget absorption of IDR 33.8 billion," Ananta added.

Read Also: State Capital Injection for 7 State-Owned Enterprises Totals IDR 37.28 Trillion

To implement the mandate expansion from the Government, throughout 2023, SMF has disbursed IDR 6.5 trillion consisting of Construction Credit, Micro Housing Credit, Business House Credit, Indent/PPJB Mortgage, and Rent-to-Own Mortgage.

Of all the financing that has been disbursed, SMF still has assets worth IDR 45.71 trillion as of December 2023. Meanwhile, the net profit booked in the same period amounted to IDR 466 billion with an accumulation of loan distribution activities reaching IDR 13.09 trillion.


Editor: Syamsul Azhar
Survei KG Media
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