PLN: Wind Power Plants in the North Coast Can Generate Cheap Electricity

March 08, 2024, 03.05 AM  | Reporter: Filemon Agung
PLN: Wind Power Plants in the North Coast Can Generate Cheap Electricity

ILUSTRASI. Turbines stand at the San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm in Whitewater, California, U.S., on Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012. The U.S. probably will extend incentives for the wind energy industry regardless of whether President Barack Obama or the Republicans win the election in November, a former adviser to the Senate Finance Committee said. Photographer: Konrad Fiedler/Bloomberg

GREEN ENERGY - JAKARTA. The plan to develop a Wind Power Plant (PLTB) on the North Coast of Java has the potential to be realized and produce cheap electricity. 

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said technological developments have made the electricity tariffs of Renewable Energy (EBT) power plants increasingly cheaper. 

"We were also surprised, we used to build PLTB (the electricity price) 11 US cents per kWh, the new one is only about 5.5 US cents to 6 US cents per kWh. This means that with innovation, the cost of electricity from renewable energy is decreasing," said Darmawan in the Road to PLN Investment Day 2024, Wednesday (6/4). 

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Darmawan explained, that in the past to build a PLTB, the average height reached 70 meters with the electricity produced about 7 MW. Now, the average height of the PLTB reaches 140 meters with the electricity produced reaching twice as much. This condition allows the development of PLTB at locations with high wind speeds. 

"The potential of PLTB with old technology will be difficult to apply on the Java Coast but with new technology, it can be placed on the North Coast of Java," continued Darmawan. 

Previously, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources revealed the potential for developing a 2 GW capacity PLTB on the North Coast of Java. 

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Acting Director General of EBTKE of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jisman P. Hutajulu said the potential for wind energy for electricity on Java Island is quite large. In addition, technological developments allow this electric power potential to be utilized. 

"(Wind) energy is also quite large, there have been recent discoveries on Java Island with a height of 140 meters. The wind potential on Java Island is very large. Not to mention in South Sulawesi, so the government must see how this (is utilized) and I think system reliability will be prioritized," revealed Jisman at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tuesday (5/3). 

The government also plans to include this PLTB development in the General Plan for Electricity Supply (RUPTL) which is currently being revised. 

Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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