PKS politician allegedly involved in Dhana’s case

April 18, 2012, 12.02 PM | Source: The JakartaPost, TribunNews
PKS politician allegedly involved in Dhana’s case

ILUSTRASI. Seorang petugas menunjukkan koleksi lempengan emas di Pegadaian Galeri24, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau, Selasa (9/3/2021). ANTARA FOTO/FB Anggoro/foc.

JAKARTA. The Attorney General’s Office (AGO) said on Tuesday that a politician from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) had been involved in the case of Dhana Widyatmika, a junior tax official accused of tax embezzlement.

AGO investigative director for the special crimes division, Arnold Angkouw, said that the politician, identified only as RP, allegedly had business relations with the graft suspect in the past.

“We had gathered the information from several of his staff at PT Sangha Poros Capital, an investment company,” Arnold said as quoted by

He added that based on the investigation so far, RP established a public accounting firm with his colleagues before being elected as a lawmaker in 2001.

However, the top prosecutor refused to elaborate on RP’s involvement in Dhana’s case, saying that the investigation was still ongoing. He explained that his team had yet to summon RP for questioning.

The AGO named Dhana a suspect in the case on Feb. 17, based on reports from the Financial Transactions Reports and Analysis Centre (PPATK).

The agency revealed that he had Rp 28 billion (US$3.08 million) and $250,000 deposited in 18 banks. Dhana is a civil servant of rank III-A with an average wage of Rp 7 million to 10 million per month.


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