Pilatus Smart Air Crew was evacuated, the pilot survived and the technician died.

March 10, 2024, 10.49 PM | Source: Kompas.com
Pilatus Smart Air Crew was evacuated, the pilot survived and the technician died.

ILUSTRASI. Ketua Subkomite Investigasi Kecelakaan Penerbangan Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi KNKT Nurcahyo Utomo -- Indonesia?s National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) sub-committee head for air accidents, Nurcahyo Utomo, holds a model airplane while speaking during a news conference on its investigation into a Lion Air plane crash last month, in Jakarta, Indonesia November 28, 2018. REUTERS/Darren Whiteside

AVIATION INDUSTRY - NUNUKAN. The pilot of a Pilatus Smart Aviation type PC6 PK-SNE aircraft named M. Yusuf (29) was found safe on Sunday (10/3/2024) after the plane crashed in Binuang, Nunukan, North Kalimantan, on Friday (8/3/2024). Meanwhile, a technician named Deni Sobali died.

"The pilot survived and the technician died," said the Head of Binuang Village, Krayan, Kalvin Daud Ipin when contacted by phone on Sunday (10/3/2024).

Kalvin, who was also involved in the evacuation process, said that when found, the pilot appeared healthy but looked tired.

While in the forest, the pilot continued to seek solutions so that the wreckage of the plane and crew could be detected by the SAR team.

"The pilot made a bonfire, so the smoke seen during the search yesterday was indeed made by him," said Kalvin.

Kalvin suspects that aircraft technician Deni died after colliding with tree branches.

"Perhaps because the left wing was severely damaged, the technician received a strong blow from a tree branch. But that's just my guess," he explained.

The victims were then evacuated by Caracal Helicopter to Tarakan, and immediately rushed to Jusuf SK Hospital. 

"We have received information, currently, Captain Yusuf is under medical treatment and is still in the recovery process. According to the doctor, he is still conscious," said Kalvin.

Previously reported, a Pilatus Smart Aviation type PC 6 (Pilatus Porter) aircraft with registration PK-SNE, carrying 583 kilograms of basic necessities from Tarakan Airport to Krayan, Nunukan, North Kalimantan, lost contact on Friday (8/3/2024) afternoon.

The plane took off from Tarakan at 08.25 WITA, and was scheduled to arrive at Binuang Airport, Krayan, at 09.25 WITA.

The plane was piloted by Muhammad Yusuf Yusandika Kantohe (29) who is registered as a resident of Botanical Garden III Cluster Number 9, South Bekasi.

The other crew member was a technician named Deni Sobali (35) from Wonoharjo, Pangandaran, West Java.

This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title "Pilatus Smart Air Aircraft Crew Evacuated, Pilot Survives and Technician Dies"

Editor: Syamsul Azhar
Survei KG Media
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