Papua to be free of malaria by 2030

April 24, 2015, 10.23 PM | Source: The Jakarta Post
Papua to be free of malaria by 2030

ILUSTRASI. Ini 6 Cara Mengatasi SMS OTP Tidak Masuk ke HP yang Umum Terjadi. KONTAN/Daniel Prabowo/07/01/2009

JAYAPURA. Observing World Malaria Day on Friday, Papua has targeted to be free from the tropical disease by 2030.

The head of the provincial administration’s AIDS, TB and malaria technical unit, Ni Yoman Sri Antara, said the administration had targeted eliminating malaria in the country’s easternmost province by 2030.

He said the administration planned to distribute free bed nets to all families, especially those in endemic areas.

“We are targeting to distribute bed nets to residents of Yakuhimo, Waropen, Jayawiajaya and Paniai regencies,” he said, adding that last year, the provincial government distributed 1 million bed nets to residents of 16 other regencies.

Ni Yoman said the provincial government would also launch interagency cooperation to stop the breeding of malaria-bearing mosquitoes and improve sanitation in villages and houses.

“All elements of society are asked to join forces with the government in the fight against malaria,” he said.

He admitted that the prevalence of malaria in the province had remained high because of the absence of a joint commitment among all social elements to fighting malaria and mosquitoes carrying the disease.(Nethy Dharma Somba)

Editor: Hendra Gunawan
Survei KG Media
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