More than 300 TNI officers have no jobs: Chief

January 23, 2015, 10.39 PM | Source: The Jakarta Post
More than 300 TNI officers have no jobs: Chief

ILUSTRASI. KONTAN/Carolus Agus Waluyo

SEMARANG. Indonesian Military (TNI) chief Gen. Moeldoko revealed on Friday that there were 365 middle echelon officers who are still jobless, awaiting further postings, after completing their educations.

"They indeed have to wait. We are also ready to help other state institutions who need manpower from the middle officers," he said during a hearing with personnel from the IV Military Command/Diponegoro in Semarang, Central Java.

"We have fulfilled requests from [state-owned railway operator] PT Kereta Api Indonesia. PT KAI's then president director, Ignasius Jonan, requested help and we complied."

Accompanied by the Army deputy chief of staff Lt. Gen. M. Munir, Moeldoko was responding to a question posed by Col. Sri Murdi Darsih on job opportunities for middle officers with good track records.

Moeldoko said he himself had to wait for eight months after finishing his education as a middle officer. The middle officer ranks includes majors, lieutenant colonels and colonels.

Adding to Moeldoko's information, Munir said there were even 20 one-star and two-star generals who were still jobless and awaiting postings.

"They want to get postings immediately and submitted requests to be posted at the IV Military Command/Diponegoro as special staffers," he said.

"They do not want to stay idle." (Suherdjoko)

Editor: Yudho Winarto

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