POWER PLANT PROJECT -TANGERANG. The Government finally paved the way for the development of Nuclear Power Plant (PLTN). Research and Development Agency (Balitbang) of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has completed the Study of ThorCon’s Thorium Power Plant.
The result of study, the thorium power plant met the initial requirements in accordance with the Act No. 10/1997 concerning Nuclear Power (on Nuclear Energy), as well as Act No. 17/2007 concerning the National Long Term Development Plan of 2005-2025, which mandates the use of nuclear power plants in 2025.
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Nuclear Power Plant project also mandated by Government Regulation (PP) No. 79/2014 concerning the National Energy Policy, which stated that to reduce carbon emissions and to meet the urgent national energy demand, nuclear energy can be utilized as an energy supply with conditions that must be operated at a high level of safety and at an affordable price - which is targeted below the National BPP of US $ 0.077 per kWh.
Head of Public Service Agency Research and Development Center for Electricity Technology, New Energy, Renewable and Energy Conservation (P3TEKEBTKE), Sujatmiko, the study of the development and implementation of the thorium power plant has been carried out for 10 months. “This study meets the requirements, this is the initial stage,” he said.
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Apart from the regulatory side, the development of the thorium power plant was supported by the safety aspect, Sujatmiko concluded that ThorCon TMSR500 technology has a high level of safety because it can operate at low pressure, is also cost-effective and produces clean electricity. However, for the supporting regulation of the development of this thorium power plant, Sujatmiko stated that they would be discussed again together with the relevant ministries/institutions.
Chief of Representative of ThorCon International, PTE., LTD., Bob S. Effendi, stated that Thorcon will allocate funds worth 17 trillion Rupiah to develop the thorium power plant. With those investment, they ask for legal certainty from the Government. “without legal guarantees from the Government, the development phase will not occur,” he said.