Minister warns subordinates to disclose wealth

June 19, 2012, 05.09 PM  | Reporter: Edy Can
Minister warns subordinates to disclose wealth

ILUSTRASI. Direktur Utama PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk Nobel Tanihaha (kanan) berbincang dengan Komisaris dan Direksi usai RUPS dan paparan public

JAKARTA. State-Owned Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan said on Tuesday that he would remove a commissioner in a state-owned company because the person refused to submit wealth disclosure forms (LHKPN).

β€œI will remove him at once as the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has already warned him twice,” Dahlan said on Tuesday at the KPK office in Jakarta.

Although he did not specify who the commissioner was, Dahlan said he had been in the office since before Dahlan became the minister.

Dahlan said that the commissioner had told him that the latter preferred to resign his post rather than submitting the wealth disclosure form.

β€œHe said he did not want to submit the LHKPN and prefers to resign, however, he has not submitted a resignation statement up to now,” he said. (Rabby Pramudatama/ The Jakarta Post)

Editor: Edy Can

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