Metrodata Electronics (MTDL) Optimizes Capital Expenditure IDR 630 Billion

June 05, 2024, 03.25 AM  | Reporter: Amalia Nur Fitri
Metrodata Electronics (MTDL) Optimizes Capital Expenditure IDR 630 Billion

ILUSTRASI. PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk (MTDL), a Digital Information and Communication Technology (ICT) issuer, especially in the field of digital solutions and hardware and software distribution, achieved double-digit growth in its two business units in Semester I-2022.

TECHNOLOGY - JAKARTA. JAKARTA. PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk (MTDL), a leading digital information and communication technology (ICT) issuer, has absorbed 20% of its capital expenditure (capex) funds up until the first quarter of 2024.

MTDL's Director, Randy Kartadinata, stated that the company has allocated a total capex of IDR 630 billion this year, divided between internal and external expenditure needs.

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Editor: Syamsul Azhar
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