Merdeka Copper Gold (MDKA) to Issue Bonds Worth IDR 1.5 Trillion

February 02, 2024, 10.09 PM  | Reporter: Akhmad Suryahadi
Merdeka Copper Gold (MDKA) to Issue Bonds Worth IDR 1.5 Trillion

ILUSTRASI. Truk bertonase besar membawa batuan hasil tambang untuk diproses di area penambangan emas Tujuh Bukit milik PT Bumi Suksesindo (BSI) di Banyuwangi Jawa Timur, Kamis (5/12). Melalui PT BSI dari Tambang Tujuh Bukit, PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk meningkatkan produksi emas dan perak pada kuartal III 2019 dengan produksi emas sebesar 63,672 ounce (oz) dan 129.164 oz perak dengan biaya operasional sekitar US$ 421/oz dan biaya pendukung tetap US$ 641/ons. KONTAN/Carolus Agus Waluyo

ISSUER - JAKARTA. PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk (MDKA) plans to issue bonds. This gold and copper producer will issue the Merdeka Copper Gold Continuous Bond IV Phase V 2024 with a total emission value of IDR 1.5 trillion.

This bond is part of the continuous public offering (PUB) of the Merdeka Copper Gold Continuous Bond IV with a target fund to be raised of IDR 15 trillion. Previously, MDKA had issued bonds with a value of IDR 10.25 trillion.

In the prospectus published on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, on Friday (2/2), these bonds will be issued in two series. First, Series A bonds with a principal amount of IDR 750 billion. Series A bonds have a fixed interest rate of 7.25% per year, with a tenor of 367 calendar days from the date of issuance.

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Second, Series B bonds with a principal amount of IDR 750 billion with a fixed interest rate of 9.00% per year. These bonds have a tenor of 3 years from the date of issuance.

The first bond interest will be paid on May 23, 2024, while the last bond interest and bond repayment will be paid on March 2, 2025, for Series A Bonds and February 23, 2027 for Series B Bonds.

The funds from this bond public offering will be used entirely for refinancing maturing bonds. First, IDR 1.34 trillion will be used to fund part of the obligations in the plan to repay all the principal of the Merdeka Copper Gold Continuous Bond IV Phase II 2023 which will mature on March 15, 2024.

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Second, the remainder will be used to fund part of the obligations in the plan to repay all the principal of the Merdeka Copper Gold Continuous Bond II Phase I 2021 Series B which will mature on March 26, 2024.

Acting as the bond issuance executor and bond issuance guarantor are PT Indo Premier Sekuritas, PT Sucor Sekuritas, PT UOB Kay Hian Sekuritas, PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia, and PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk (TRIM).

Here is the schedule for the issuance of MDKA bonds:

  • Public Offering Period of Bonds: February 19-20, 2024
  • Allocation Date: February 21, 2024
  • Date of Electronic Distribution of Bonds (Issuance Date): February 23, 2024
  • Listing Date on the Indonesia Stock Exchange: February 26, 2024

Editor: Syamsul Azhar
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