Medan to host annual palm oil conference

October 31, 2013, 11.37 AM  | Reporter: Asnil Bambani Amri
Medan to host annual palm oil conference

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MEDAN. Around 600 delegates from 30 countries comprising stakeholders from all sectors in the palm oil industry will attend the 11th annual meeting of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in Medan, North Sumatra, in November.

The three-day conference themed: “RSPO Standard 2013: Understand. Apply. Embrace”, will see speeches, presentations and panel discussions from key experts around the world, including Global Food Security champion Tim Benton and Alain Rival, coordinator for palm oil research at French Centre for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD).

This year’s roundtable meeting (RT 11) will also focus on communicating to RSPO members the organization’s revised principles and criteria (P&C), which are revised every five years, according to a press statement.

The revisions are part of the RSPO’s continuing effort to improve the relevance and effectiveness of the P&C for its members in the journey toward achieving the organization’s vision and mission. (The Jakarta Post)

Editor: Asnil Amri
Survei KG Media
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