List of Indonesian Stocks on the Special Monitoring Board & Latest Criteria

June 21, 2024, 01.47 PM  | Reporter: Wahyu Tri Rahmawati
List of Indonesian Stocks on the Special Monitoring Board & Latest Criteria

ILUSTRASI. After six stocks exit, there are 224 stocks remaining on the Special Monitoring Board.

STOCK MARKET - JAKARTA. The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has removed six stocks from the Special Monitoring Board effective today, Friday, June 21, 2024. According to the exchange's announcement, three issuers have been removed from special monitoring after being placed due to stock suspensions.

Two issuers were exited from the board after being listed because their stock prices were less than Rp 51 per share over the last six months. One stock was exited from the board after being listed due to liquidity criteria.

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Editor: Wahyu T.Rahmawati
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