President Jokowi inaugurates new cabinet ministers

January 17, 2018, 10.09 AM | Source: The Jakarta Post
President Jokowi inaugurates new cabinet ministers

ILUSTRASI. Pelantikan menteri dan pejabat tinggi

RESHUFFLE KABINET - President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has appointed two new Cabinet members on Wednesday morning (1/17) in a minor reshuffle.

Former Golkar secretary-general Idrus Marham has been appointed as Social Affairs Minister to replace Khofifah Indar Parawansa, who is running in the East Java gubernatorial election.

Meanwhile, former Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Gen. (ret.) Moeldoko has been appointed to replace former anti-corruption activist Teten Masduki as the Presidential Chief of Staff.

Air Marshal Yusu Sutisna has been appointed as Air Force Chief of Staff. The former chairman of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI), Gen.(ret.) Agum Gumelar, has been appointed as a member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres). 

“I have already called Idrus Marham this morning,” Khofifah said on Wednesday.

Hanura politician Oesman Sapta Odang confirmed Moeldoko’s appointment, saying, “Moeldoko has good credibility."

With Idrus's appointment, Golkar now has three representatives in the Cabinet, along with Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan and Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto.

Moeldoko’s appointment also increases the number of military retirees in Cabinet-level positions. Three former generals are already in the Cabinet: Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Wiranto, Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu and the aforementioned Luhut, (kmt/ebf/)

Editor: Sanny Cicilia
Survei KG Media
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