Jokowi Hopes the Election Runs Honestly and Fairly

February 14, 2024, 01.35 PM  | Reporter: Vendy Yhulia Susanto
Jokowi Hopes the Election Runs Honestly and Fairly

ILUSTRASI. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has cast his vote in the 2024 General Election.

GENERAL ELECTION - JAKARTA. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has cast his vote in the 2024 Election.

Jokowi said, the election is a celebration of democracy. He hopes that all citizens participate in the election with full joy because the election is referred to as the people's party. 

"We hope this truly becomes the people's party and also takes place legally and transparently and is followed by all Indonesian people with joy because this is a party, the people's party, a democratic party," said Jokowi in Jakarta, Wednesday (14/2).

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Furthermore, Jokowi said, the process in the election already has its mechanism. If there are indications of fraud, it can be reported to Bawaslu. Then there is a dispute resolution mechanism in the Constitutional Court. 

"(The hope is) The election runs smoothly. All citizens can use their voting rights well and everything takes place legally, transparently, and safely, that's what we hope for," Jokowi explained. 

As known, the permanent voter list (DPT) in the 2024 Election is as many as 204,807,222. This number consists of 102,218,503 men and 102,588,719 women. 

The election is held in 38 provinces, 514 districts/cities, 7,277 sub-districts, 83,771 villages, and 128 representative countries. And the number of KPPS members is as many as 5,741,127 people spread across 820,161 polling stations. 

Meanwhile, the 2024 Election is participated by 18 national political parties and 6 local Aceh parties.

Editor: Khomarul Hidayat

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