Jasa Marga (JSMR) Focuses on Working on These 5 Toll Projects

March 27, 2024, 08.30 PM  | Reporter: Rashif Usman
Jasa Marga (JSMR) Focuses on Working on These 5 Toll Projects

ILUSTRASI. Petugas memasang kamera CCTV di Tol Trans Jawa ruas Semarang-Batang, Jawa Tengah, Minggu (12/5/19). Pemasangan kamera CCTV tersebut untuk memantau kepadatan lalu lintas di area tersebut. ANTARA FOTO/Puspa Perwitasari/ama.

CORPORATE STRATEGIC - JAKARTA. PT Jasa Marga Tbk (JSMR) stated that no new toll roads are operating under the company this year. JSMR stated that it is currently focusing on five toll road sections, namely the South Jakarta Cikampek (Japek) II Toll Road, the Yogyakarta-Bawen Toll Road, the Solo-Yogyakarta Toll Road, the Probolinggo-Banyuwangi Toll Road, and the Patimban Access Toll Road.

"There are none (new toll roads operating). Jasa Marga is now focusing on 5 toll road projects," said Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head, Lisye Octaviana when met by Kontan.co.id at the BUMN Office, Wednesday (27/3).

Lisye added, that the progress of the construction of these sections is not yet fully completed or is still in the construction and land acquisition stage. "If shortly in the first semester of 2024 there are none (operating). The construction and land acquisition stages are still on schedule. We strive to complete it gradually. We will see the progress until the end of the year," she added.

Read Also: Tak Ada Penambahan, Jasa Marga (JSMR) Fokus Menggarap 5 Proyek Tol Ini

However, JSMR will operate two functional toll road sections in welcoming Eid 2024. 

The two toll road sections are, first, the Jogja-Solo Toll Road from Colomadu to Ngawen with a length of 22.3 km, from the previous Kartasura-Karanganom with a length of 13 km. The second toll road section, the South Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) II Toll Road from the Sadang segment to Kutanegara has a length of 8.5 Km.

As additional information, JSMR recorded a net profit of IDR 6.79 trillion in 2023. This achievement increased by 147.3% from the realization of net profit in 2022 which amounted to IDR 2.74 trillion.

By the end of 2023, JSMR's revenue was IDR 21.31 trillion. This figure increased by 28.56% from the 2022 revenue which amounted to IDR 16.58 trillion.

In detail, JSMR's toll revenue was IDR 13.94 trillion in 2023. Then, other business income was IDR 1.61 trillion and construction income was IDR 5.75 trillion.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar
Survei KG Media
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