Indonesian Voter Data Leak Suspected; Intelligence Agency Shifts Probe to Police

December 03, 2023, 12.38 AM  | Reporter: Vendy Yhulia Susanto
Indonesian Voter Data Leak Suspected; Intelligence Agency Shifts Probe to Police

ILUSTRASI. Pencurian data. KONTAN/Muradi

GENERAL ELECTION - JAKARTA. The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) has submitted a report to the police and the General Election Commission (KPU). This is related to the alleged leak of the Permanent Voters List (DPT) for the 2024 Election owned by the KPU.

BSSN Spokesperson Ariandi Putra said, on Saturday (2/12) at 11.00 WIB, BSSN submitted a report of the initial investigation and digital forensics to the Cyber Crime Directorate (Dittipidsiber) of the National Police and the KPU.

The report submitted by BSSN regarding the alleged data leak at the KPU is the result of analysis and digital forensics from the application and server side to determine the root cause of the alleged incident.

"The report will be followed up by the Cyber Crime Directorate (Dittipidsiber) of the National Police from the law enforcement side and the KPU as the organizer of the electronic system following their respective authorities," said Ariandi in his written statement, Saturday (2/12).

Furthermore, Ariandi said, BSSN will always synergize and collaborate with the KPU and the Cyber Crime Directorate (Dittipidsiber) of the National Police in securing the 2024 election cyber.

Previously, KPU Commissioner Betty Epsilon Idroos said, the KPU knew about the information related to a party selling data allegedly owned by the KPU since Monday, November 27, 2023, around 15.00 WIB. 

After getting this information, the KPU immediately informed the BSSN, Bareskrim, and other related agencies.

As known, a hacker named Jimbo anonymously claimed to have hacked the site and managed to get voter data from the site.


Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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