Indonesian Government Debt Hits IDR 8,338.48 Trillion in April 2024

May 30, 2024, 10.25 PM  | Reporter: Dendi Siswanto
Indonesian Government Debt Hits IDR 8,338.48 Trillion in April 2024

ILUSTRASI. Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani hadir pada jumpa Pers APBN KiTa di kantor Kementerian Keuangan (kemenkeu) Jakarta, Selasa (19/3). Mengutip data APBN KiTa yang dirilis Kemenkeu, hingga akhir Februari 2019 pemerintah telah melakukan penarikan utang mencapai Rp198,36 triliun. Angka ini setara 55,22% dari target APBN 2019 yang sebesar Rp359,25 triliun. KONTAN/Cheppy A. Muchlis/19/03/2019

SOVEREIGN DEBT - JAKARTA. JAKARTA. The Ministry of Finance in Indonesia has reported an increase in the government's debt position as of the end of April 2024.

According to the State Budget (APBN) document, the government's debt as of April 30, 2024, was recorded at IDR 8,338.43 trillion.

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