Indonesian Covid Cases Increase Sharply by 35-40 Per Day

December 06, 2023, 09.02 PM | Source: Reuters
Indonesian Covid Cases Increase Sharply by 35-40 Per Day

ILUSTRASI. Direktur Jenderal (Dirjen) Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit (P2P) Maxi Rein Rondonuwu menyatakan,?berdasarkan laporan dari fasilitas kesehatan di seluruh Indonesia, rata-rata kasus Covid-19 per hari sudah di atas 35-40 per hari dan total sebanyak 131 kasus. 'Kasus ini dari yang orang diperiksa sehari sekitar 1000-1100 hari,' katanya Rabu (6/12/2023.

COVID-19 - JAKARTA. The government has stated that it is currently monitoring the latest developments in the surge of COVID-19 cases in neighboring countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam.

The Ministry of Health also confirmed the occurrence of a surge in Covid-19 cases in Indonesia. 

The Director General (Dirjen) of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P), Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, on Wednesday (6/12), stated that there is also a tendency for an increase in cases from week to week in Indonesia.

"Indeed, the trend of increase in Singapore, and other countries in ASEAN such as Thailand is quite high. In Indonesia, there is a tendency to increase from week to week, the confirmed cases are currently averaging 131 people, even though this is still in the low category," said Maxi during a virtual press conference on Wednesday (6/12)

He explained that based on reports from health facilities throughout Indonesia, the average number of COVID-19 cases per day is already above 35-40 per day. "These cases are from about 1000-1100 people tested per day," he said.

Due to the surge in cases, Maxi urged all people to increase their vigilance independently. "Those who have symptoms should take an antigen test and report to health facilities. In addition, awareness of self-isolation," he said

Maxi added that people with COVID-19 symptoms can come to health facilities for examination. "Wear a mask if you have symptoms. Don't forget the most important thing, the Minister of Health has urged the public to get booster vaccinations because until the end of this year, it is still free for all people," he said.

Because next year the government will only cover Covid-19 vaccinations for the elderly group, or young adults with comorbidities such as obesity. "Only that can still be covered by the government," he concluded.

"Stay vigilant and get tested because it is still dominated by the omicron variant and partly XBB1.5," he said.

In line with Maxi, Pulmonologist Specialist at RSUP Persahabatan Erlina Burhan also paid attention to the surge in COVID-19 cases in Southeast Asian countries

"Covid in Malaysia and Singapore is increasing, so let's intensify the movement to wear masks because it's not only effective in preventing Covid but also other respiratory diseases. In addition, the movement for a healthy life, wash hands with soap," she said.



Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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