Indonesian Bauxite Smelter Project Stalls

May 15, 2024, 05.25 AM  | Reporter: Diki Mardiansyah
Indonesian Bauxite Smelter Project Stalls

ILUSTRASI. Foto udara lokasi smelter nikel milik PT Antam Tbk di Kecamatan Pomalaa, Kabupaten Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara, Jumat (10/5/2024). Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi mencatat deposit cadangan Nikel sebanyak 140,3 juta ton yang ada di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia, sementara Nikel terbesar berada di Sulawesi Tenggara mencapai 81 juta ton deposit cadangannya. ANTARA FOTO/Andry Denisah/YU/Spt.

MINERAL COMMODITY - JAKARTA. JAKARTA. The bauxite down streaming program in Indonesia is still facing funding issues. The construction process of bauxite management and refining facilities, known as smelters, is slower compared to those of nickel and copper.

According to data from the Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), the investment realization for bauxite smelters throughout the first quarter of 2024 was only IDR 1.4 trillion.

Read Also: Freeport Smelter Project Ready to Operate by June 2024

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