ECONOMIC GROWTH - JAKARTA. Indonesia's gross domestic product is expected to contract by more than 3% on an annual basis in the third quarter, President Joko Widodo said on Monday, as he told his cabinet to speed up state spending to support the pandemic-hit economy.
The president, widely known as Jokowi, estimated household consumption shrunk by around 4%, while investment might have fallen by more than 5% in the third quarter.
Jokowi's prediction was bleaker than his finance minister's previous outlook for a contraction within a range of 1% to 2.9% in July-September, which compared with a 5.32% contraction in April-June. The statistics bureau will release the official GDP data on Thursday.
Selanjutnya: Ekonom IKS proyeksikan ekonomi Indonesia tumbuh -4,5% yoy pada kuartal III-2020